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Donate to Support Our Cause

Your generous donation can make a significant impact on the lives of individuals affected by muscular dystrophy and neuromuscular disorders. At the Dotun Tejuoso Muscular Dystrophy Foundation (DTMDF), we are dedicated to empowering, advocating for, and transforming the lives of those in need.

Why Donate ?

  • Empower Lives: Your contribution helps provide vital resources, support, and educational programs for individuals living with muscular dystrophy and neuromuscular disorders.

  • Advocate for Change: DTMDF actively works to change policies, improve accessibility, and promote equality for people with disabilities. Your donation supports our advocacy efforts.

  • Create Lasting Impact: Your support enables us to continue our mission, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have the opportunities and support they need to thrive.

How to Donate

  1. Online Donation: Click the “Donate Now” button below to make a secure online donation. Your contribution will go directly toward supporting our programs and initiatives.

  2. Bank Transfer: You can also make a direct bank transfer to the following account:

    • Account Number: 0086202100
    • Bank Name: Diamond Bank
  3. Contact Us: If you have any questions or need assistance with your donation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Thank you for your generous support. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those with muscular dystrophy and neuromuscular disorders.